Final Fantasy X


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Name Rating
RPG Critic 10/10
ReviewSource 9.8/10 9.3/10
Electronic Gaming Monthly 9.5/10
PC Magazine 10/10
Cincinnati Enquirer 8/10
GamersMark 10/10 9.5/10
GamePro 10/10
Official PlayStation Magazine 10/10
Adrenaline Vault 10/10


       Great news for Final Fantasy Fans!! I have created this web site to share my joyous with others . I hope Final Fantasy fans would like this web site .ThisWeb Site is mainly about introducing Final Fantasy X ,This page is mainly talk bout the story of Final Fantasy . This website will give the opportunity to those who are interested on knowing more about Final Fantasy X .
    This game is to let you immerse yourself in a world that has been devastated by a mysterious force known only as "Sin". Human existence teeters on the brink of extinction when Sin willfully destroys cities and lives . Journey with Tidus, a rising young star of a futuristic underwater sport called 'Blitzball', when he is mysteriously forced into the world of Spira by Sin .You will join him as he travels uncharted seas in search of his homeland of Zanarkand. Along his journey, he meets Yuna, a determined young woman who learns the ancient art of summoning and controlling aeons - powerful spirits of yore . They are joint by a lively cast of friends who aid in their quest to defeat Sin .
    Final Fantasy has changed a lot from the other series.As we known , difference series will bring out difference main characters. In this game ,Yuna, is one of the main character She is Final Fantasy X's lead female protagonist and she is said to convey a sense of honesty and innocence, while having the ability to summon Shin (spirits, Gods). She controls the summoned beasts in battle and the actual summons in the game were some of the amazing things that we've ever seen in our gaming lifetime..Another one, is the famous blitzball player tidus , that believed is a dream . He has accompany Yuna to complete her journey and end up with the sad ending ....... He was brought by his father ( Sin ) during a blitzball match , in the start of the game , to Spira and there he met Yuna..The other characters in the game a sword fighter named Auron, a mage named Seymour, a thief named Rikku, and other characters named Wakka, Lulu and Kimari (the beast-like character in the screenshots with the horn coming out of his head). All are original designs by Tetsuya Nomura..
    The game has changed a lot if compare to the previous final fantasy.The combat in Final Fantasy X looks similar to that of other games in the series but features a few key innovations that make it more involved. You can have up to three characters active at a time--down from Final Fantasy IX's four-character teams. However, any time it's your turn, you can swap your active party member for one of his or her friends who's not currently fighting--so essentially, you have seven characters in battle and not just three. The game is still balanced for three-character teams, since you can only swap in a new party member during one of your character's turns, and you can't replace someone who's been knocked out or incapacitated unless you revive him or her first. Likewise, if all three of your active characters should be defeated, it's game over.
The audio is not only very good, but also something of a first. Being the first Final Fantasy with voices is a huge challenge, but for the most part, the voice work is excellent. Tidus, Auron, Lulu, Kimahri, Wakka, Seymour and Rikku are all expertly voiced, and the NPCs that speak generally sound very well also. There are a few minor voice issues however, as some of the children are adults speaking in absolutely grating tones. Also, Yuna, the female lead, has lip synching issues. Though one wouldn't expect it to be perfect, Square's pursuit of trying to match it up as best as possible has resulted in more pauses than a William Shatner reading of "War and Peace". It's hard to tell if Hedy Burress just didn't do it right or if Square didn't realize how bad it would sound, but it could have been better and can be jarring in some scenes.


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